Despite being detained by police on Friday night during a police probe at a Los Angeles restaurant, rapper Nipsey Hussle will perform at the "Made in America" festival.
The rapper was released by police on Saturday and did not have any charges filed against him, a statement from his management released to MTV said.
"Around midnight last night Nipsey Hussle was detained in an unsolicited random police probe near the flagship Marathon Clothing Store on Crenshaw Blvd," his management said. "Police detained him and several other patrons while picking up food at a local restaurant."
While the statement claims he was not charged, the Los Angeles Times is reporting that he was originally picked up on a misdemeanor charge of obstructing a police officer.
Jail records obtained by the newspaper say Hussle, real name Emmias Ashghedom, was released just before 7 a.m. and he has a court appearance on Sept. 24.
The Los Angeles Police Department spoke with KNBC-TV and said the probe was a search for a man suspected of violating probation. The man was found at the restaurant and taken into custody.
Hussle took to Twitter after his release to assure fans he would be attending the "Made in America" festival as planned. "I will be at my show in Reno today and also #MadeInAmericaFestival on Sunday," he wrote.