Russian train surfing has become a growing, but dangerous trend for youth who decide to sit on the rooftop of trains instead of inside.

According to the AFP, those who train surf call themselves “zatsepri,” which comes from the Russian word to cling. The youth enjoy the risky ride, including Sasha, whose friend was killed when he fell off the train.

“I returned one evening with a friend who had been drinking a bit. He fell off the train and was killed instantly,” said Sasha.

The tragedy didn’t stop the teen, who then said that after a week he “started again.” Sasha has been riding the roofs of trains between Moscow and his suburban town since he was 10.

The commuter train travels at about 78 miles per hour. A high speed train, called the Sapsan, which links Moscow and Saint Petersburg, travels at about 155 miles per hour. Sasha says that will be his new endeavor.

According to the Daily Mail, approximately 600 people died last year from train surfing. Police managed to detain 424 people. If caught by police, the youth are fined about 100 rubles, or $3.50. RZhD, the national rail company, wants to raise the fine to 5,000 rubles, which is about $135.

Sasha believes increasing the fine will not stop them from train surfing, but only make it more dangerous.

"On the contrary, it will make us pay more attention to avoiding the police instead of concentrating on our safety and that could cost us our lives."