After almost a year of back and forth, Sprint has let go of all attempts to purchase and merge with T-Mobile, and have announced a new CEO for the company.
Spring is the second-smallest major phone operator in the United States, just 4 million customers bigger than T-Mobile. The merge between the two companies would have provided Sprint the opportunity to be almost as large as Verizon Wireless, which is the biggest provider with 122 million customers, reports Information Week.
Beyond financial reasons for the lack of connection between the two companies, Sprint and T-Mobile use different technologies to give their customers 3G service. The liberal atmosphere of T-Mobile would most likely clash with the conservative side of Sprint.
Fierce Wireless provides a timeline of the attempted merge, beginning on September 26, 2013 revolving around the original idea, up until August 5, 2014, in which regulatory opposition halted the attempt to merge.
Although the merge never occurred, there are new opportunities over the horizon for both companies. Sprint's new CEO provides fresh, innovative ideas, and T-Mobile has expressed new and exciting plans for consumers with their services.