According to the LA Times, Brooks has long been holding out on allowing his music- which includes 8 studio albums, as well as various compilation albums- from being sold on iTunes, and is instead opting to allow the digital distribution of his music through his very own creation,, whose beta launch was on September 5th. The launch of the new website comes with Garth Brooks’ very own bundle, that includes his complete catalog of music, as well as his new album that is set to release this fall, and two new albums set to release later- all for only $29.99!

Brooks decided to set up GhostTunes in order to better protect songwriters and music publishers, and with a want to keep his music from just being sold as singles, which iTunes is known for, reports The Chicago Tribune.

The country superstar has always been adamant about connecting artists to their fans, and with the release of GhostTunes says, “This is a site that treats music with the utmost respect, where our job everyday is to offer music the way the artists want to share it to the listeners who live for and love it. That’s a job I hope I can do everyday.” lets fans listen to their music immediately upon purchase, where it’s stored in their own personal locker on the website, reports NewsOk. Additionally, users will be able transfer their purchased content onto whatever audio player, tablet, or computer of their choice, something that has often been restricted with songs only being able to play on certain devices (which is often the case with many iTunes purchases.) The website offers a large catalog, spanning millions of songs, and is marketed as an alternative to other digital music distributors, like iTunes and Amazon MP3.