Back in January, when Jesse Eisenberg was cast to play Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman, many questioned the Social Network star’s ability to play Superman’s arch nemesis. However, it sounds like Eisenberg has done enough preparation for the role so he can surprise audiences.
Eisenberg recently spoke with the U.K. magazine Total Film, where he talked about understanding this “complicated, challenging” character and working with Oscar winning screenwriter Chris Terrio (Argo).
“I got to know one of the writers Chris Terrio, and we were able to discuss things at length and figure out who this person is to create a real psychology behind what is, perhaps, in a comic book, a less than totally modern psychology,” Eisenberg said. “I can only say I've been asked to play an interesting role. A complicated, challenging person.”
According to ComicBookMovie, the interview also makes it clear that he hasn’t read comic books or even seen comic book movies. He said director Zack Snyder did have him read comics and watch “that movie with Gene Hackman,” referring to the Superman movie with Christopher Reeve and Hackman as Lex.
Eisenberg also said he didn’t take the role for the money. “You know, they don't just hand the scripts out. But I really liked it on its own terms. I would do it if it was for free and it was tiny,” the actor told Total Film.
Eisenberg got the role in January. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released on March 25, 2016, so that’s when we’ll finally see if Eisenberg did understand the part.
However, there is some rumors that he did in fact shave his head for the role. JoBlo noted that he took a picture with a fan during production and it looks like he may be wearing a wig to cover his baldness.
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