"Zelda Williams, who has been methodically using her Twitter account since she swore off social media following her father Robin Williams’ death, used the social networking site Tuesday. Zelda thanked fans for their support.

She tweeted to thank fans for sending letters and sharing stories, which she has truly been touched by. “I just want to say thank you for all the stories and letters I've been receiving, especially from those who've also lost loved ones,” she wrote.

In another message, she wrote that it was helpful to hear of others who dealt with the death of a father and have lived happy lives.

“I don't come online often, but reading of others who have dealt with this loss & gone on to live happy, full lives is helpful. Truly,” the tweet read.

Zelda responded to a message from Twitter user @FreeThinkingUK, who welcomed her back to the site. “Bearded sing off,” she wrote, adding a photo of her father singing with Sesame Street’s two-headed monster.

Back on Aug. 13, Zelda deleted her Instagram account and stopped tweeting after she continued to receive disgusting and hateful messages on the social networks.

“In this difficult time, please try to be respectful of the accounts of myself, my family and my friends. Mining our accounts for photos of dad, or judging me on the number of them is cruel and unnecessary,” she pleaded in her final Instagram post.

However, on Sept. 1, she made a quiet return to Twitter, with a short “thank you” message.

Zelda’s messages came just after comedian Billy Connolly recalled his final conversations with Williams, who was a close friend. He said the two did discuss Parkinson’s disease before his death, since both were diagnosed. The public did not know about Williams’ diagnosis until after his died last month.