Halloween is the night when the Veil is thin, when we can step from our reality into a realm where fun and thrills can be indulged as dark pleasures—especially if you’re attending a BDSM Halloween party! So come along with me and view ten spooky scenarios through a kinky lens…framed in bat-style glasses, of course.

What better place than a dungeon to spend All Hallows’ Eve? In this case it’s the basement of a local kinkster who offers a private Halloween party each year. When we arrive, we find the doorway to the basement through the kitchen, where a smorgasbord of potluck snacks, treats and non-alcoholic drinks are spread out on the counter to maintain energy. The Eye of Newt green punch brought by Mistress Black Widow looks especially appealing. As we head down the steep stairs to the "dungeon," it’s clear our host and his volunteers have spent considerable effort giving the environment a “dungeon” feel. We are counseled to hold onto the banister, as fog from a smoke machine layers the descent, helping us leave our current reality behind.

At the bottom of the stairs, we’re confronted with a wooden archway flanked by a pair of six foot Grim Reapers made of paper mache. Instead of scythes, one of these skeletal figures holds a dragon tail whip and the other brandishes a pair of fleece-lined cuffs. “Surrender, all ye who enter here—and Find Ecstasy” is written on the archway board in jagged black letters. Awesome! They must have candy down here, too.

Bobbing for Apples: At the first station, we find a Halloween tradition we’ve seen at plenty of fall festivals. A Master and a Mistress stand on either side of a large oaken barrel, filled with water and bobbing shiny apples that emit a fragrant clove scent. The two Doms are in costume, the Mistress dressed as an autumn fairy, in a low cut blouse and a gauzy skirt that shows plenty of leg. The Master is a satyr, complete with horns and a set of faux fur chaps to go over his heavy black boots, his preference instead of hooves. He looks like a mountain, with a chest as barrel-shaped as the container for the apples, but the Mistress, for all that she’s a pocket Venus, is just as intimidating, with her sharp green eyes and slightly cruel mouth turned up in a smile. “Want to play?” she invites all comers.

A contestant steps forward, a slim male dressed in David Tennant styled suit and duster for his Dr. Who persona. As the Mistress takes both his coats, the Master explains the rules. If “The Doctor” is successful in snagging an apple in his mouth, he can choose who delivers his treat, the Master or Mistress. One can guess what the treat will be, based on the anticipatory look in their eyes and the harrowing array of floggers and paddles on a mounted board behind them.

The slim male is blindfolded by the Mistress, his wrists handcuffed behind him by the Master, who does it so efficiently one suspects he’s in law enforcement. As his elbows are held by the Master and Mistress, the Doctor bends forward to secure an apple in the allowed time. It takes some face-wetting, but he manages it, straightening with an artful toss of his hair, the apple’s stem clamped between his teeth. The Mistress takes it from him, with a quiet word and a caress of his jaw. She picks up a paddle that looks like someone’s been at it with a pumpkin carving set, because it has a jack o’ lantern cut out. “Bend over, Doctor,” she says. “And receive your prize.” The slim man’s grin suggests this is just the type of adventure he was seeking on Halloween night…

Every Party Must Have Decorations: We move on to the suspension area. The wooden frame, with half a dozen parallel horizontal timbers to allow for multiple suspension scenarios, looks like it was made from the heavy timbers of a haunted tall ship. The suspension artists show their appreciation for the holiday with color and decoration.

Male and female submissives are restrained in a plethora of orange, black and purple ropes. The carabiner clips are in matching colors. Once restrained, the decorating continues. Some subs are face painted like ghosts or zombies. Others have white bandages wrapped around and hung from their bodies, as if they’re mummies revealing themselves as living, sensual beings when they writhe against their bonds. Others are masked, in everything from full head coverings to Mardi Gras eye masks. When their Doms send them on a slow spin, the feathers and rhinestones catch the light…

Bringing Frankenstein’s Monster to Life: Now we’ve stumbled onto a recreation of Frankenstein’s memorable experiment. Only in this version, a couple in white coats and rubber gloves, wearing heavy goggles that mask their facial features, lean intently over a voluptuous woman stretched out on the operating table. Her feet are in stirrups, her wrists strapped to the table with Velcro, and she’s wearing only a purple and black satin waist cincher, giving them access to plenty of wonderful caramel-colored flesh.

The woman scientist has attached TENS pads between their subject’s legs. As we watch, she steps back, holding the controls. When she directs electricity through the pads in different patterns, the woman gasps and sighs, her body moving with sinuous pleasure. Then the male scientist lifts a humming violet wand. The mushroom-shaped glass attachment glows with a purple light that reflects the rapture of the woman’s face, showing her anticipation of how it will crackle and ripple over her skin, bringing her fully to life.

Halloween is a Chance to Play Dress-Up: Pretty much everyone we see is in some type of Halloween costume. Which is ironic, because many might normally be garbed in fetish wear that vanilla folk would consider a costume. It’s a fun reality spin, because how often does one see The Hulk sitting obediently for the wiry Spider Man, while Spidey melts candle wax over his green skin, adding to the color scheme? Or Charles Xavier and Magneto playing a game of chess on a living table provided by Buffy the Vampire Slayer, balanced on all fours between them, her forehead resting against Charles’ leg with loving devotion?

But some of the costumes are intended to directly contribute to the role play. A stern schoolmistress, resplendent in a severely tailored gray suit reminiscent of Lucy Liu in Charlie’s Angels, paces in front of a trio of kneeling women dressed in school uniforms. The Mistress taps her switch in her palm and commands one woman to bend forward, her forehead to the ground. The school mistress doles out the punishment for a skirt that is shockingly too short – but how else could the student show off the sparkly Casper the Ghost panties beneath? When she pulls the woman back to her heels by one of her ponytails, the Mistress can’t help but caress her chin and lean forward to press a kiss to her forehead, showing her pleasure with her pupil’s submission to punishment.

Why Must There Always Be Mummies:(a la Brendan Fraser) Whoops, watch your step. Yes, that rolled-up rug on the floor contains a person. A square has been cut for his face, and a sign above says the mummified occupant would appreciate any passing female who feels so inclined letting him kiss the sole of her shoe. Or, if she wishes to get even closer, she can lower herself onto his face and…ahem. He’s a very versatile version of a mummy, obviously. We note that there are a pair of Dominants standing nearby to ensure his well being, including hydration. Though the basement is appropriately dank and cool on a normal night, all the activity in here is making temperatures rise—for a variety of reasons.

Revisit a Fantasy of Fright Night: At the next play station (not to be confused with the Sony Entertainment brand) we discover my personal favorite Halloween monster, mainly because one of my series is about hot, sexy and dangerous vampires. What can I say? I loved Chris Sarandon in Fright Night. The vampire has strapped his “servant” on a St. Andrews’ Cross, her arms and legs spread. Her body is swathed in a sheer white nightgown, as if he lifted her tenderly from her bed to carry her to this dungeon to serve his desires. Candles are lit all around them, bathing them in mysterious light. When he leans forward and tastes her throat, his lips curl back, showing us lifelike fangs that he presses against her pounding pulse. He slowly pushes the gown off her shoulders, so it drifts down to her waist. Reaching inside his cloak, he emerges with a fistful of rose petals. As his fingers slowly open, the crushed, fragrant petals drop on her bare breasts and slide down her golden skin.

He continues to tease her throat with his fangs, but he places his other hand over her throat, squeezes lightly. Suddenly there’s a trickle of what looks like blood, as if he’s bitten her, but the scent that drifts our way, flavored with rose petals, says he’s released a tart raspberry syrup. We suspect it’s tinged with chocolate to give it a darker, even more blood-like coloring, as well as a better taste and stickier texture. He’s following its track down her body as her eyes close, absorbing the sensations.

Trick or Treat: Chocolate! Just as I’d hoped. A Dom dressed as a goblin is melting fun-sized Hershey bars on the flesh of his submissive. A black line has been drawn from her forehead to the juncture between her legs. At his ready-set-go, two men must eat all the “treats” off their half of her. However, the goal isn’t who can do it first – but who can do it so well that the submissive can’t obey her Master’s order not to climax without his permission. One wonders who is actually getting the treat here? We certainly are, just from watching.

Risking Hellfire: Walking through this dungeon reminds me of The Great Movie Ride at Disney MGM, every stop a different environment. This station is a scene right out of a Conan the Barbarian movie. The firelight casts flickering shadows against the stone wall backdrop as two women dressed in little more than straps and chains bend over a restrained victim stripped of all his clothing, but is torture their intent? They both hold what looks like a sausage-shaped roll of cotton impaled on a thin wire stick. The cotton is lit on fire, creating a torch. The two “slaves” are passing those torches over the man’s flesh in flowing, rhythmic movements. Wherever they touch, the fire is almost immediately removed, their hands cupping and smoothing behind it, making it a very intimate thing to watch, the combination of heating and caressing the flesh at once.

A Dom who looks like the jailer in a Beastmaster movie—big, bald and clad in leather and chains as well—stands to the side, watching every motion of his assistants to ensure the experience is one of pleasure, not true pain. However, since he’s also examining a flogger with Kevlar ends, it’s clear he plans to advance to more strenuous and dramatic forms of fire play quite soon. We’ll circle back…

Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board: Who didn’t enjoy this scary game at a slumber party? Watching the BDSM version of it causes a different kind of shivers up my spine. A coven of witches, complete with pointy shoes, tall hats and long black dresses, kneel around a naked woman.

They’ve charmingly created a double circle of candy corn around her. (I see at least one woman steal a piece to eat, though she tidily closes the circle again with a pinch of her long nails to ensure no demon escapes the circle’s binding.) They’ve laid a light web over her, those gauzy long strands you see on people’s outdoor landscaping to give their house a spooky aspect for trick-or-treaters. However, in this case, the head of the coven murmurs that it is a magical restraint that will hold the naked woman in place as they prepare her to be lifted on the tips of their fingers…

Step into my Web, said the Spider to the Fly: The back wall of our host’s basement has actually been covered with a web of black ropes, anchored and stretched from wall to wall, floor to ceiling. The web is charmingly decorated with a scattering of party store fuzzy spiders with glowing red eyes. Several willing victims have been restrained on the web as Mistress Black Widow, a woman in the type of gown that Morticia favors – long flowing sleeves, jagged edges of the skirt creeping along the ground behind her as a train—glides back and forth. She carries two floggers. When she uses them on the restrained victims, the black ropes tipped with black feathers do look like the multiple legs of a spider, reaching out to tease and caress her prey. As we watch, the Mistress turns her head and pins us with a look. “Want to join my web?” she purrs.

I hope these glimpses of other people’s pleasures will give you ideas on how to spice up your own Halloween fun. As always, be safe, sane and sensual… Ahem, I mean CONSENSUAL. It’s fun to play on the night the Veil is at its thinnest, but we don’t want anyone crossing over to the other side permanently any sooner than necessary. Quite a few of the things you read about above should only be done with strict supervision or the mentorship of a Dom experienced in them (suspension and fire play especially). See my article here about BDSM Safety Tips.

Happy Samhain!

Author of over thirty erotic romance novels, Joey W. Hill is the recipient of the RT Book Reviews Career Achievement award. She is a practicing submissive in her personal life. Her website, www.storywitch.com, has free excerpts and information on her available titles.