Neil Patrick Harris said this summer that he wanted to be on American Horror Story and now he’s getting his wish. In fact, he will be appearing on American Horror Story: Freak Show with his husband, Dave Burka.

Harris’ casting was first reported by TV Line, which confirmed that the former How I Met Your Mother star will appear in the last two episodes of Freak Show as a chameleon salesman. Burka will guest star in the season finale in a plot element with Jessica Lange’s character.

Back in July, Harris told Entertainment Weekly radio that he wrote a letter to Ryan Murphy, hoping to get a spot on AHS even though he knew his schedule wouldn’t let him take a major part.

Somehow, NPH did manage to find time in his still-packed schedule to guest star in AHS. The Gone Girl star has been hired to host the 2015 Oscars and NBC just gave him a variety show for 2015.

Harris has worked with Murphy before, making an Emmy-winning appearance on Glee during the Fox show’s first season.

New Freak Show episodes debut on FX on Wednesdays at 10 p.m.

image courtesy of Kristin Callahan/ACE/