This week’s episode opens to a young kid waking up in bed as he hears a struggle going on downstairs. The boy comes down the blood soaked stairs to find his father murdered by Dean Winchester. Apparently, this is what happened to Cole when he was 13 and he tells Sam he had been planning his revenge ever since.

So, of course, he’s hoping to pry some information out of Sam the good old fashioned way - torture. While this is going on, we switch back and forth from Sam being attacked by Cole, to a bouncer at a strip club being attacked by Dean. Right as Cole is about to bust Sam’s kneecap with a hammer he gets a phone call from his family. So, while he is outside on the phone, Sam manages to escape and call Cas.

After leaving the bouncer severely injured but alive, Dean leaves the club and runs into Crowley. They go for a drink, and Crowley knows that if Dean doesn’t feed into his blood lust soon, he will go off the handle and kill an innocent. So Crowley offers him a job to kill a man’s cheating wife, hoping that killing something will help with Dean’s serious anger issues.

Sam finally lets Cas in on the fact that Dean is now a demon and Castiel quickly agrees to meet up with him. Unfortunately for Cas, he falls asleep behind the wheel and crashes their car. He and Hannah are forced to hand out at the mechanic’s home until the car is fixed.

Finally back on the road, Cas agrees to let Hannah drive, which is probably a good thing since he fell asleep again. Cas wakes up at the playground where the entrance to heaven is with Hannah nowhere in sight. Hannah made a trip upstairs to ask Metatron for help.

Metatron is still locked away, and in a straight jacket for good measure. Hannah needs to know if the angel has any more of Cas’ grace left, which he does admit to having. Only problem is that he’ll only hand it over in exchange for his freedom. Like that’s gonna happen. Hannah nearly accepts before Cas comes bursting onto the scene and stops the deal. He has accepted his fate and refuses to see Metatron roaming free.

Right as Dean is about to break into the cheating wife’s home and kill her, the husband shows up, wanting to make sure the job is done right. Apparently this man hasn’t heard of having an alibi. After having words with the husband, who admits he cheated first, Dean kills the husband instead and costs Crowley the soul he would’ve made from the deal. Though the husband did have it coming. After all, he called Dean a “punk ass demon” and a “freak.”

Crowley is none too happy that Dean lost him that soul and even goes so far as to say Dean is showing too much humanity and needs to pick a side; demon or human. After the fight our beloved bromance breaks up and Crowley finds Sam to hand demon Dean over. Sam finds Dean at a nearby bar and the look on Sam’s face as he sees his brother is truly heartbreaking.
Sam reminds Dean that they know how to cure demons and Dean tell him he knows and if he wanted to be cured he wouldn’t have left. Sam tries his hardest to talk Dean into coming back with him and Dean tells Sam he is prepared to kill him. Sam pulls out a pair of handcuffs but before he can do anything a smoke bomb is dropped into the bar. Guess who it is? That’s right, Cole is back to finally get his revenge on Dean Winchester. Sam is immediately knocked out by Cole and confronts Dean. Apparently he had planned to let Sam escape to lead him right to Dean.

The two fight as Sam begins to regain consciousness. Dean easily disarms Cole who then switches to some good old fashioned hand combat. Of course, he is easily knocked to the ground and defeated by Dean. Dean has the blade to Cole’s throat but doesn’t kill the man, giving Sam the opportunity to douse Dean with holy water and throw those handcuffs on him.
Having left the fight bloody but still alive, Cole heads to the library for books on demons. The librarian looks on in horror as he bleeds over all the precious hardbacks.

With Dean now under control, Sam meets Crowley to give him the First Blade, mainly to keep it from Dean. Sam takes Dean home in the Impala, which is now just a car to Dean. Sam tries to reason with Dean, saying letting Cole live showed mercy but Dean just laughs saying it was the worst thing he could’ve done to him, especially since he failed at getting revenge at the man who killed his father. The episode ends with Dean threatening Sam and Crowley mourning his lost bromance.

Check out the sneak peak from next week’s episode “Soul Survivor” below:

Image courtesy of Roger Wong/