Shailene Woodley, who picked up a Hollywood Film Award last night for The Fault In Our Stars, is reportedly in talks with the producers of Oliver Stone’s untitled Edward Snowden movie for a key role.
The Divergent star would play Snowden’s girlfriend, The Hollywood Reporter reported. TheWrap also confirmed the news.
Snowden’s longtime girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, recently moved to Moscow, where Snowden is living after Russia granted him asylum. As previously reported, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is set to play Snowden, the NSA whistle-blower.
Stone’s film will be based on material from two books - Luke Harding’s The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man and Time of the Octopus, a novel by Anatoly Kucherena, the lawyer representing Snowden in Russia.
The Platoon filmmaker’s plot is expected to center on Snowden’s journey from Hawaii to Hong Kong, where he first gave journalist Glenn Greenwald and filmmaker Laura Poitras the top-secret NSA documents.
Open Road is set to distribute the film domestically. Wild Bunch handled foreign rights at the American Film Market last week. Filming is expected to start in January.
Woodley had a fantastic 2014, starring in both Divergent and The Fault in Our Stars. While she has been working on the sequels to Divergent, she hadn’t been linked to any other new project until now.
image courtesy of Kristin Callahan/ACE/