The Frozen soundtrack is up for an American Music Award for top soundtrack alongside The Fault in Our Stars and Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix. Although The Fault In Our Stars and Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix have qualities worth recognizing, the Frozen soundtrack out shines them both. Here are 10 reasons why the Frozen soundtrack should win the American Music Award for Top Soundtrack.

Credit: Nancy Rivera/ACE/

[new page= Popular for role playing]

10. Popular for role playing

Young girls around the world are donning their Elsa costumes to enhance their daily household performances of Frozen soundtrack favorites, such as “Let It Go,” “Love Is an Open Door”, “Do You Want to Build a Snowman,” and “Fixer Upper.” According to
ABC News
, Disney Consumer Products (DCP) reported 3 million plus "Frozen" costumes were purchased this year in North America.

[new page= “Let It Go” has become an adolescent anthem]

9. “Let It Go” has become an adolescent anthem

Dorian Lynskey describes young girls’ obsession with the song “Let It Go” as an outpouring of the pubescent struggle to find and create one’s own identity in his article Why Frozen's Let It Go is more than a Disney hit – it's an adolescent aperitif. He also explains it as an anthem of individuality and a breaking free of social constraints popular with the LGBT community. The “Let It Go” sequence in the film Frozen is “a moment of transition and upheaval which conveys the giddy, reckless buzz of expressing yourself without considering the consequences,” states Lynskey, and it’s unique because it is a “song to describe how young people really do behave rather than how they should behave.” Watch the Athena Film Festival sing along below just to see for yourself how transcending this song can be.

[new page= Musicians want to play it]

8. Musicians want to play it

According the blog, sheet music featuring the songs and instrumentals from Disney’s Frozen broke sales records this past February. “Let It Go” has outsold all other songs in each arrangement category,” with a total of 25,000 copies purchased. The number 2 song sold only 12,200 copies. “Additionally, many of the instrumental arrangements of “Let It Go” currently are sitting at number one.”

[new page= “Let It Go” is an earworm]

7. “Let It Go” is an earworm

Every parent can attest to the catchiness of Frozen’s “Let It Go.” It’s a tune that gets stuck in your head, an earworm. In his article 'Let It Go' and 'Frozen' Soundtrack Keep On Going, John Jurgensen quoted Jon De Simone stating, "As far as the music goes, it's got some hooks. It took only one listen to get it in my head for three days." But, “Let It Go” isn’t the only catchy tune on the award winning soundtrack. Check out this couple’s rendition of “Love Is an Open Door.”

[new page= It’s greatness is already recognized]

6. It’s greatness is already recognized

The movie Frozen has won 62 awards, and had 44 nominations. These awards and nominations cover all aspects of the film, and include awards for the musical scores. A complete list can be found at IMDB. The song “Let It Go” even won an Oscar for Best Original Song.

[new page= It topped the Billboard charts]

5. It topped the Billboard charts

The soundtrack was number one on the Billboard charts for somewhere around 8 weeks. However, relinquishing first place didn’t remove it from the top ten. It managed to stay within the top ten ranking for 39 weeks in a row, according to the article Top Studio Execs Talk the ‘Frozen’ Effect, New Films, Breaking Into the Biz at Billboard/THR Film & TV Music Conference by Andy Gensler.

[new page= “Let It Go” goes viral]

4. “Let It Go” goes viral

Viral Viral Videos lists several performances of the hit single “Let It Go.” Their viral videos include a segment from the September 15th airing of the Ellen DeGeneres Show, in which Ellen and actress Kristen Wiig perform the song live.

Also on their website is a version of “Let It Go” performed by Pear Jam.

[new page= It’s popular on Amazon]

3. It’s popular on Amazon

Everyone knows that is one place to complain or rave about your purchases. Well, evidently customers of the Frozen soundtrack are satisfied, because out of 2,085 reviews, 1,846 gave it 5 stars. That’s pretty impressive.

[new page= It’s even more popular on Itunes]

2. It’s even more popular on Itunes

Itunes listed 4,463 reviews for the soundtrack to Frozen with an overall rating of 4.5. Just for a change of pace, here’s Disney’s Circle of Stars performing “Do You Want To Build a Snowman.”

[new page= It’s a YouTube sensation]

1. It’s a YouTube sensation

As I searched YouTube for clips of performances of the song “Let It Go” from the Frozen soundtrack, I found an overabundance of results. Searching “Let It Go” populated about 36,500,000 results. As if that’s not enough, there were about 2,140,000 results for fan made videos for it, and about 1,740,000 parodies of it. You know, they say that a parody is one of the best compliments you can get. Here’s the movie sequence video (viewed 369,731,201 times).