Employees are striking against Walmart on Black Friday for a better wage.

Over 1,600 protests against the company happened on the Friday after Thanksgiving, according to USA Today. Issues presented at the protests was for the major shopping store chain to increase the employee pay to at least $15 an hour and for better full-time scheduling. The protests were made by the Organization United for Respect at Walmart, abbreviated to OUR Walmart.

BBC News reported that OUR Walmart is part of a movement using new ways for fighting for and gaining rights for workers, in contrast of instantly calling for a union. The National Occupy Movement was noted as inspiration for such newer protesting movements, including another movement for increasing the wage of retail employees of fast-food companies.

The protests by OUR Walmart were reported by USA Today as approved by the AFL-CIO; the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. A Twitter post by the labor organization called for support from people for the protesting Wal-Mart workers.

Pictures of protests across the U.S appeared on the AFL-CIO Twitter page.

Image via Twitter by AFL-CIO