Internet access has disappeared in North Korea on Monday.

The country’s internet access had reportedly been cut offline, according to Bloomberg. The Director of Internet Analysis at Dyn Research Doug Madory told the publication that North Korea had problems using the internet on Sunday before being cut today. The action comes days after the U.S accused North Korea of causing the Sony Pictures hacking scandal.

Matthew Prince explained to the Wall Street Journal that there were three options as to why North Korea's internet was shut down. One option was that North Korea itself closed off its own internet access in order to defend itself and limit information distribution to its citizens. Another option was that it was shut down by China, whose internet is used by North Korea. One more option offered by Prince was that there was somebody effecting the internet communications of North Korea, due to them having only one internet connection.

An unattributed source told Bloomberg that China began looking into the Sony hacking scandal and North Korea’s suspected connection.

The Celebrity Café reported that North Korea threatened an attack on the U.S if they didn’t collaborate with them on an investigation into Sony’s hack.