Filmmaker Ana Lily Amirpour is making quite an impression with her acclaimed directorial debut A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, and she seems to have gained one very profitable fan. For Megan Ellison, the prolific new producer behind awards favorites like American Hustle, Her, The Master and Zero Dark Thirty, will finance her next movie The Bad Batch.

As reports, Amirpour is currently working on her next movie, which has gained funding from both Vice and Ellison, who's currently coming from another acclaimed hit Foxcatcher. Vice and Ellison also previously teamed together to make Spring Breakers.

Described as a dystopian love story set in a Texas wasteland, plot details are being kept under wraps at the moment according to the press release. Although Amirpour previously described the movie to Filmmakers Magazine as "my Mad Max meets Gummo" back in March. It was also described then as something of a cannibal love story set in Texas where "a muscled cannibal breaks the rule ‘don’t play with your food'" crossing The Road Warrior and Pretty in Pink "with a dope soundtrack." Of course, considering this interview was nearly a year-ago, it is possible the plot and script have changed around.

In the same press release, Eddy Moretti of Vice called Amirpour "a force of cinematic nature. She inhabits that special place where the pop sensibility of the movies meets the deep sensuality of film art." She also added, "It’s a tricky thing to pull off – creating this kind of wildly entertaining visionary cinema – but Ana Lily is powerful, so she can pull it off."

Ellison confirmed the news on Twitter when she tweeted:

Image courtesy of Megan Ellison

Considering the cannibal-centered love aspect of this new movie, it's evident Amirpour isn't deviating too far from A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. But it'll definitely be interesting to see where she goes, as she's clearly a filmmaker with a lot of promise and potential. No word yet on when The Bad Batch is set to start production.

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