Mark Schultz, the Olympic wrestler whose relationship with John du Pont is at the center of Bennett Miller’s acclaimed Foxcatcher went on a Twitter tirade earlier this week against the film. He has since toned down his anger, but it’s clear that he’s no longer a big fan of the film.

On Wednesday, Schultz sent out a series of tweets in all capital letters, bashing Miller. One message read, “I HATE BENNETT MILLER.” Another read, “Everything I've ever said positive about the movie I take back. I hate it. i hate it. i hate it. I hate it. i hate it. i hate it. I hate it.” On Facebook, he also penned a long message that fact-checked the film and also posted curses directed at Miller.

Some thought that the accounts may have been hacked. After all, as late as Dec. 21, Schultz was still praising the film. Now, though, it appears that Schultz has confirmed that it was him after all. He posted a message on another Facebook page, apologizing for such harsh language, but defended his stance. That message reads:

My story and my life are real. I am a real human being. While I may have tweeted out of anger, I in no way regret standing up for myself, nor do I regret calling out the only other man who has had decision making power concerning my image and legacy these past years. I apologize for the harshness of my language, but I am firm in where I stand. I will gladly go to any lengths to protect and safeguard the integrity and truth of my story, my life, my character and my legacy. If that's not worth fighting over while I'm still alive, I don't know what is.

The Los Angeles Times also notes that Schultz has slammed recent critical analysis of the film that pointed to a possible homosexual tone in the relationship between Schultz and du Pont (Steve Carell in the movie). He called that “a sickening and insulting lie” in a now-deleted Facebook post.

Schultz also published a book called Foxcatcher this fall, which he has urged fans to read to learn the true story of the film.