Is it the breathtaking landscapes, the electric choice of songs in the movie soundtrack, the way the movie is set up? There is got to be something about Wild that makes it unique. Based on the memoir written by Cheryl Strayed, which is ranged third on the New York Times bestseller list, the movie portrays a woman who chose to get back on her feet by walking the 1,100 miles Pacific Crest Trail.
After facing several hardships in her life, Cheryl Strayed choose to follow the saying "it is by getting lost that you sometimes find yourself". For about 115 minutes, the viewer is time-travelling thanks to flash-backs to Strayed's life before the hike. The more the minutes pass, the more her past slowly is unveiled. We are suddenly struck by what Strayed had to go through, and at the same time amazed by her will and her determination.
In an interview to the Telegraph, Strayed explains that she wanted the movie to be as straightforward as possible. "I think that is the whole point of art, to tell us the truth about ourselves. I’m saying, ‘This was my experience, this is what happened, this is what I made of it.’"
The book 'Wild' is still ranged third in the New York Times bestselling list two years after being published, and the movie affected an even broader number of people ever since it was released. The most striking piece of evidence is the growing number of hikers expected on the Pacific Crest Trail. According to the AP report from January 20th, there have been a lot more traffic on the website. Jack Haskel, train information specialist for the Pacific Trail Cost explains that there has been a peak of 300 percent of traffic on their website compared to last year. "`Wild' is the largest media event ever for the PCT" he adds.
The Oscar nominated actress Reese Witherspoon perfectly handled the main role, allowing Strayed to be acknowledged as a role-model.

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