After a 5-year-old boy missed his classmate’s birthday party, his friend’s mother left an invoice with a “no-show” fee attached in his backpack.

Alex Nash’s parents found the $24 invoice from the boy who had the party’s mother, Julie Lawrence. Lawrence claimed he had RSVP’d saying he would be attending the party, and not showing up has cost her money.

Nash’s dad, Derek Nash, told The BBC, "It was a proper invoice with full official details and even her bank details on it,” adding, “I can understand that she's upset about losing money. The money isn't the issue, it's the way she went about trying to get the money from me.”

Nash also said he was told if he refused to pay the fee he would be taken to small claims court.

Instead of attending the party at a ski resort, Plymouth Ski and Snowboard Centre in the UK, Alex spent time with his grandparents instead.

In a statement to The Guardian, Lawrence said, “All details were on the party invite. They had every detail needed to contact me.”