During a trip to Walt Disney World, a 5-year-old boy proposed to six Disney princesses, one fairy and a queen accomplishing a dare by his mom.

"We go every year and every year he just loves the princesses so much, and we like to do different things with the characters. We take lists of things to say to like Mickey and Minnie to see how they'll react and so this year, I said, 'If you like the princesses so much, you should marry them.' Thinking he'd be like, 'Oh no I'm never gonna do that,' but he was like, 'OK'" Parker Schoberl’s mom, Jenny Schoberl said.

Parker, who lives in Newport News, Virginia got down on bended knee several times to propose to Tinker Bell, Belle, Jasmine, Ariel, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Elsa, ABC 13 reports.

"I was really brave and a little scared," Parker told ABC 13 during a Skype interview.

On her blog, Parker’s mom said the preschooler loves the princesses because "they dote on him and make him feel special.”

Cinderella turned down Parker’s proposal, but granted him a dance.

Parker did, however, get Tinker Bell to agree to marriage.

"He found a Tinker Bell charm on the ground after proposing to her and is completely convinced he's moving to Pixie Hollow to marry her, so his feelings are just fine," Jenny wrote.

Check out the video of Parker proposing below: