The chaos surrounding the release of The Interview has pretty much faded from the news cycle, but looking back on the situation it really was kind of a disaster. Now the CEO of AMC theaters is criticizing Sony for their decisions in the release of the movie.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, AMC CEO Gerry Lopez said that Sony handled the release of The Interview poorly. He noted how much free press Sony had with President Obama essentially promoting the movie on television, and yet the film still bombed. "They made a lot of wrong decisions," he said.

Back in December, Sony's movie The Interview, about two journalists who are sent on a mission to kill Kim Jong-un, sparked threats on theaters that planned to show the film. Still recovering from a major cyberattack, the studio decided to cancel the release of the movie all together, although this decision was made after theaters independently refused to show the movie.

Evidently theater chains including AMC were furious about this because they wanted Sony to delay the release of the movie, not completely pull it from theaters. Sony pulling the movie sparked a lot of outrage including from President Obama, who called on Sony to release the movie. They quickly decided to make the film available through Video on Demand services and open it in a limited number of theaters.

The film ended up making $31 million on Video on Demand but only $6.1 million at the box office. When we consider the fact that the previous movie by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg This is the End made $101 million at the domestic box office plus additional revenue from VOD sales, that is a pretty significant loss for Sony.

At the time a lot of people looked at Sony's decision as revolutionary, and a step towards movies being released simultaneously in theaters and on VOD. But Lopez said he doesn't believe it changed anything. "If there's a new business model out there, it's that there is a new way of losing money," he said.

Earlier this month Sony co-chairman Amy Pascal, behind a lot of the company's decisions about The Interview, was fired because of this whole debacle, as we previously reported. Between the significant financial lost and the detrimental hacking, it's safe to say Sony has been having a pretty rough few months. But after their recent deal over Spider-Man, maybe Marvel will be able to save them.

The Interview is currently available to stream on Netflix.