Here’s a feel-good story out of Wisconsin about firefighters returning to shovel the driveway of a man who suffered a heart attack and creating a movement on social media.
The Huffington Post noted that after firefighters in Greenfield got the man, who went into cardiac arrest while shoveling his driveway to a hospital, they went back and finished the job for him.
"They just saw that somebody needed help, and they took time out of their day and their busy schedules to do something like that. It's amazing. It's awesome,” the man’s daughter said.
Their kind act then started a social media movement and the hashtag #ShovelItForward began trending on Twitter. In addition, someone put a picture of the firefighters shoveling the snow on Facebook. So far, the post has received more than 20,000 likes.
The pay it forward movement continues and the Greenfield Fire Department is asking anyone who has neighbor or knows someone in need of having their property shoveled to help them out.
Below are some safety tips to remember when shoveling snow.
Images shared via Twitter by Greenfield Fire