Kanye West dropped a bombshell on Friday during The Breakfast Club interview – actually quite a few – but he confirmed his 17-year-old sister-in-law Kylie Jenner is dating Tyga, 25. His real answer, however, has just been leaked.

Tyga went on the radio show this week and denied the illegal relationship, but West said on Friday the rapper is “smart” for “getting in early” with the youngest Kardashian sister.

The “Only One” rapper was asked point blank if he thinks their relationship is “inappropriate,” to which he laughed, “that’s a good question.”

TMZ has published a leaked recording of what West said before that, admitting the two are “in love.”

Rumors have been circulating for months about their relationship and heated up recently when Amber Rose said Jenner is a “baby” and Tyga should be “ashamed of himself.”

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