James Gunn is hard at work on the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel, scheduled to be released in 2017, and the director is now giving us an idea of what the movie’s story might look like.
Gunn appeared on an episode of Alison Rosen’s podcast Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend to discuss the movie, according to Uproxx. First, Gunn said that the sequel isn’t based on any existing Guardians of the Galaxy comic and is instead a completely original story. He said the movie will answer some questions about Peter Quill’s father, as well as introduce some new characters who will be important both to the Guardians series and to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole.
In general it seems like the Guardians movies will not be following the comics too much, as Gunn also said that in the comics Quill’s father is someone different than he is in the upcoming movie.
Finally, Gunn said that when he pitched his idea for the sequel to Marvel, they thought it sounded risky. That’s definitely interesting to hear considering how risky the first movie already was: a movie based on a comic almost nobody had heard of starring a talking racoon and a tree. And the sequel is going to get more risky than that?
James Gunn is definitely a guy willing to try weird, different things with his movies, and it’s great to see a major studio and general audiences embracing that. Gunn said he’s turning over his story to Marvel in a few weeks, so let’s just hope that the studio lets Gunn be Gunn and doesn’t hold back on any of the weird eccentricities we love about his movies.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will be part of Marvel’s ambitious Phase 3, which begins next year with Captain America: Civil War, as we previously reported. Guardians is one of only three sequels in the upcoming slate with the other movies, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Inhumans, focusing on all new characters. Though Guardians is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will eventually cross over with The Avengers, Gunn has said that he really considers Guardians to be its own series, and that he wants it to stand on its own without just setting up events in the larger universe, as we previously reported.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will be released on May 5th, 2017.
Image courtesy of INFphoto.com