News for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice usually comes from comic book sites or on Twitter from director Zach Snyder. But an interesting little bit of news was broken on Capitol Hill during Ben Affleck’s testimony before a Senate subcommittee on Thursday.

While Affleck testified before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Diplomacy and National Security to push for more aide to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the actor spotted Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy.

“To Senator Leahy, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge my co-star in Batman,” Affleck said to the Democrat, notes CNN. “The role is marginally smaller than mine, but I understand you're quite good.”

That was the first time we’ve heard that Leahy will make an appearance in Dawn of Justice. It seems like he’s a good luck charm for Batman movies, as he’s also had cameos in Batman and Robin, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. He even got to tell Heath Ledger’s Joker that he wasn’t “intimidated by thugs.”

Of course, his exchange with Leahy was just a footnote of Affleck’s appearance before the subcommittee. As TheWrap notes, Bill Gates also testified and Affleck’s wife, actress Jennifer Garner, was in the audience.

The Congo has been a favorite cause of Affleck’s and he is the founder of the Eastern Congo Initiative. He posted pictures from his trips to Congo on Instagram, including a picture from his first trip, seven years ago.

Affleck stars as Batman in Batman v Superman, which opens in March 2016.

image via Instagram from Ben Affleck

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