Ben & Jerry’s loves to come up with new flavors and is pretty much up for any bizarre flavor imaginable. So, it’s no surprise that the quirky ice cream company would be interested in making cannabis-infused ice cream if they could.

“Makes sense to me,” co-founder Ben Cohen told The huffington Post today. “Combine your pleasures.”

Co-founder Jerry Greenfield tried to be a bit more realistic about it, though.

“Ben and I have had previous experiences with substances, and I think legalizing marijuana is a wonderful thing,” Greenfield said. “It's not my decision. If it were my decision, I'd be doing it, but fortunately we have wiser heads at the company that figure those things out.”

Should recreational marijuana use become legal in more states, Ben & Jerry’s will probably have to find a celebrity to put on the carton. They have worked with several in the past, including Stephen Colbert with “Americone Dream” and recently debuting “The Tonight Dough Starring Jimmy Fallon.”

As Medical XPress notes, recreational marijuana is now legal in Alaska, Washington State and Colorado. Voters in Washington D.C. also approved legalizing it.