Donald Sterling’s estranged wife, Shelly Sterling, is taking his former girlfriend, V. Stiviano, to court over $2.5 million worth of lavish gifts the former Los Angeles Clippers co-owner bought her while they were dating.

Stiviano, the same woman who recorded Sterling saying racist comments, which resulted in Sterling being forced to sell the team and get banned from the NBA for life, has denied they were ever romantically involved.

Regardless, The AP reports Shelly now wants the over $2 million her ex gifted Stiviano on real estate and cars, arguing the money is community property.

The trial will begin in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday, where Shelly will also argue Stiviano seduced older men to get lavish gifts. She tried to counter sue Shelley claiming she was being defamed, but Judge Richard Fruin threw it out.

Stiviano’s attorney has dismissed that “the feminine wiles of Ms. Stiviano overpowered the iron will of Donald T. Sterling who is well known as one of the most shrewd businessmen in the world.”

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