Rachel Garlin has released her latest album, Wink at July, and this effort proves that Garlin is not only an incredible singer-songwriter but really takes the time to develop and create these character-driven songs that have a voice of their own. Garlin is the type of artist that has the ability to translate from a coffee shop to center stage at a major concert or music festival.

Wink at July opens with "Gwendolyn Said" and this single shows off Garlin's ability to play the acoustic guitar and frame her own vocal delivery. She uses each song that is on the album to tell a story and explain a different character that is woven throughout her musical effort. This opening single is fun, upbeat and is a smooth introduction to who Garlin is an artist.

This album combines a variety of musical influences ranging from pop to indie rock and folk but every influence is blended and constructed in a way that moves her sound forward; this mixing doesn't feel forced. The album is produced in a way that feels natural and organic, which is how Garlin's vocal range and instrumentals come across on Wink at July.

Garlin shines when she is having fun and just enjoying the moment on this album. Garlin isn't trying to create an album that will take over the music world; she is out to prove that she is a talented musician and that fans will be drawn to her sound because it's honest, fun and simple. She never tries to be more than a singer-songwriter who has a clear musical vision.

At times Garlin has a very similar style to that of an early Alanis Morissette back in her "Ironic" days but that is not a bad comparison to draw. Morissette was a trendsetter and really created her own musical style. Garlin has taken on that energy and is paving the way in the industry with this album.

Stand out tracks on the album include "Colorado Rain," "Spin," and "Dear Friend."