Before it hits theaters nationwide, the new restoration of John Hughes teen angst classic The Breakfast Club will premiere at SXSW this month.

The film celebrated its exact 30th anniversary last month, but the celebrations is continuing through March. Part of that celebration will include the SXSW screening on Monday, March 16 at the Paramount Theatre in Austin, Texas.

Stars Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy will be in attendance for a Q&A session.

Last month, Universal announced that it was teaming up with Fathom Events and BY Experience to screen the film in theaters across the country on Thursday, March 26 and Tuesday, March 31. You can check out the list of theaters screening the movie here. Hopefully, you don’t get detention on those days.

Ringwald has been out showing support for the film, even appearing on the Today Show this morning. You can check out her interview here. will be covering SXSW, so be sure to check back next week for coverage. The SXSW Film festival starts on Friday, March 13.