Volcano Calbuco has erupted in Southern Chile and forced thousands of people to flee their homes.
CNN noted that Chile’s National Geology and Mining Service said the volcano had erupted more than once in the past 24 hours and the second eruption was even stronger than the first.
CBC News reported that around 4,000 people had to be evacuated in nearby communities and several schools in the area were closed. The volcano is located near the towns of Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt.
Calbuco, which hasn’t erupted in more than four decades, was a spectacular sight and captured on video as it shot smoke and ash into the night sky.
Heavy ash was also reported falling from the sky in parts of Argentina. So far though no hot rocks or lava has been observed and there have not been any injuries.
Chile has 90 active volcanoes. As previously reported, Villarrica erupted last month. Calbuco, however, is considered the most dangerous.
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