Country superstar Reba McEntire is known for taking over the charts, sold out tour and now being a grandmother to Kelly Clarkson's daughter River Rose.
Backstage during last night's Academy of Country Music Awards, McEntire opened up about how she won over her new granddaughter. "Every time she looked at me, she’d start crying — just squawking! It was serious! So at Christmas at their house, I said, ‘Kelly, give her to me.’ I held her and started feeding her. She looked at the bottle, looked at me and smiled. We’ve been friends ever since,"said McEntire.
People reported that during the awards Clarkson introduced McEntire and it was emotional for both of them.
Clarkson remembered that nine years ago she yelled across the backstage area and told McEntire that when she was growing up she wanted to be just like her. “So basically what I’m saying here, people, is that I have the coolest mother-in-law and you all can suck it," laughed Clarkson.
Image courtesy of Carlos Diaz/