When putting together your resume, the font is often on the bottom of the list of things to think about. But typography experts say that it is very important and the font they say is the worst might surprise you.

Bloomberg Business spoke with three typography experts which fonts they like the best when it comes to resumes. Interestingly, they agreed that Times New Roman - the default font for many - isn’t a good idea.

“It’s telegraphing that you didn’t put any thought into the typeface that you selected,” Brian Hoff, creative director of Brian Hoff Design, told Bloomberg. “It’s like putting on sweatpants.”

Martina Flor, a designer in Berlin, didn’t think that there is a problem with Times New Roman, but added, “It has been a system font for a long time. It’s been used and misused a lot.”

Obviously, Comic Sans is only good for clown college applications, Hoff noted. Flowery fonts like Zapfino and the typewriter-esque Courier are also bad ideas.

So which fonts should you use? Helvetica is a really good idea. Matt Luckhurst, creative director at Collins, called the font “beautiful.” Proxima Nova and Garamond are also good to use. Didot could be used if you want to appear upscale.