WRKO, which broadcast Rush Limbaugh’s radio show in Boston, said Tuesday that it will no longer air the conservative pundit’s show. It’s the second major city radio station to drop him in recent weeks.

Premiere, which handles syndication of Limbaugh’s show, said that it was not able to come to terms with WRKO on renewing their deal.

“We were unable to reach agreeable terms for The Rush Limbaugh Show to continue on WRKO. A final broadcast date will be announced in the near future,” the statement reads, reports Radio Insight. “Rush Limbaugh airs daily in every measured media market in America, and we look forward to announcing exciting news for our Boston listeners soon.”

As MediaMatters notes, this decision follows WIBC’s decision to drop Limbaugh in Indianapolis. The station’s parent company even openly said that dropping Limbaugh could draw more advertisers.

Limbaugh’s popularity with the stations that carry him and advertisers has been in a free fall since 2012, when Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut” on air. The Wall Street Journal reported in February that advertisers have been fleeing conservative talk radio in droves. It’s not because there’s a lack of listeners, but because of fear of backlash from critics online.

image courtesy of William T. Wade Jr/INFphoto.com