Casey Anthony, the woman who was found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, has apparently come out of hiding and may have an address in Florida’s Palm Beach County.

WESH noted that over the weekend, several images surfaced of a person believed to be the infamous 29-year-old out and about in West Palm Beach.

One picture shows a woman closely resembling Anthony at a charity race in Lake Worth and others taken on Monday show the woman jogging through the neighborhood.

The Daily Mail reported that Anthony now lives in a 2,000 square-foot home in the Toledo section of West Palm.

In the pics, the woman is running gear, aviator shades and baseball cap, perhaps to conceal her identity.

Anthony has only been seen in public a few times since her first-degree murder acquittal nearly four years ago. The last time was at a bankruptcy hearing in 2013. She is said to owe around $1 million in legal fees.

No one else has ever been charged with her daughter, Caylee Anthony’s death.

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