Nancy Gordeuk, the Georgia principal who founded the alternative school TNT Academy and whose racist comment at a graduation ceremony went viral, has been fired.
WXIA reported that Dr. Heidi Anderson, the chair of the board of directors at the school sent a letter to the Gwinnett County NAACP chapter explaining that Gordeuk had been let go.
“In light of recent events, the board of directors of TNT Academy has moved to dismiss Nancy Gordeuk as principal,” the letter read. “During the coming transition, we will continue to prioritize support for our most recent graduates. Moreover, we will continue our commitment to providing students with the best educational classes, transcription services, and academic credit recovery possible.”
In a video shot during a May 8th graduation ceremony, Gordeuk has an outburst, telling the crowd that they are rude before the class valedictorian gave his speech. When people started to get up and leave she said, “Look who’s leaving, all the black people.”
The Washington Post noted that Gordeuk later apologized and when her son came to her defense in a Facebook post, he used a racial epithet.
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