A flurry of complaints caused a Japanese zoo to apologize for naming a baby monkey Charlotte after the newest addition to the British royal family.
The Associated Press noted that the Takasakiyama Natural Zoological Garden has apologized after receiving complaints for the name of the baby macaque. The angry calls and emails said that the zoo was disrespectful to name the monkey that.
"We deeply apologize for causing trouble to many people over the naming of the first baby (monkey)," a statement posted on the zoo’s website read. "We take these opinions seriously."
The name Charlotte was actually chosen in a public ballot and got 59 of 853 votes. Most of those votes came in after the birth of the British princess this past weekend. Zoo officials have said that they are considering changing the monkey’s name.
As we previously reported, the royal family announced on Monday that the princess was named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. The daughter of the Duke and Duchess will be known as Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge.
image via INFphoto.com
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