Baz Luhrmann is currently working a musical series for Netflix, The Get Down and the cast has just added a member. Jimmy Smits, Sons of Anarchy has been cast in the production in the lead role.

Luhrmann is opening up about the role that Smits will be playing, Francisco Cruz. Cruz will be better known in the show as "Papa Fuerte" and is a South Bronx political player who has a wide range of services that he helps the city with, The Hollywood Reporter added.

"The Puerto Rican culture of the '70s Bronx plays such a large role in the story we are telling that the character of Papa Fuerte had to be played by an actor who could bring experience, gravitas and authenticity to the role. I know our entire cast is excited to have someone of Jimmy's talent joining us on the journey we are undertaking. We are thrilled to have him on The Get Down," said Luhrmann.

Deadline reported that the show will be releasing 13 episodes in 2016.

Luhrmann is known for his work on Moulin Rouge and the recent retelling of The Great Gatsby.