Oscar winning actor Morgan Freeman is not happy with the way the media is covering the unrest in Baltimore, which was sparked by the death of Freddie Gray.

“F**k the media,” he bluntly stated in an interview with The Daily Beast about his upcoming rom-com Five Flights Up with Diane Keaton. At first, it doesn’t seem like the movie would have much to do with the way the media covers things, but that’s not the case.

The film features a standoff with a young Muslim man who is driving a truck. Then, the media assumes that the man has a bomb. Freeman said that this is pretty close to the way the television networks report events live.

“Isn’t that always happening?” Freeman said. “Look at MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN. Go between those three. There’s a take, there’s a take, and there’s a take. It’s just commentary. CNN wants to be pure news, but the others are just commentary. They’re just commenting on things.”

This brought up how the situation in Baltimore is being covered. Rioting in the city reached its worst point on Monday, when Gray, who died in police custody, was put to rest. He died on April 19 and many feared that no police officers would be held accountable. The National Guard was even called and a curfew imposed.

Freeman suggested that coverage has been better than it was during the Ferguson protests after the death of Michael Brown. However, Freeman noted that the media still ignores protests unless they become violent.

“Now, they’re getting more of the whole picture. Ferguson? No. Baltimore seems to be coming up with a different scenario in the background,” Freeman told the Daily Beast. “People are saying, ‘You were not all there when we were just talking and trying to make a point, but if we set something on fire, all of a sudden you’re all here. Why is that? What’s the difference?’ And some young reporters are listening. That sort of observation is very useful.”

Earlier today, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced that Gray’s death was a homicide and that his arrest was illegal, reports the Associated Press. Six officers involved in the arrest will be charged and it was determined that Gray did ask for medical attention while he was detained, but received none.

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