Authorities said a broken pipeline near Santa Barbara spilled about 21,000 gallons of oil onto some Southern California beaches Tuesday before it was shut off.
Reuters noted that the U.S. Coast Guard said the pipeline running along Highway 101 spilled 79,000 liters into the ocean and onto the beaches leaving behind four miles of tar coating the coastline.
The Los Angeles Times reported that officials were alerted to the spill around 12 p.m. local time when a woman at Refugio State Beach said she smelled oil fumes. Coast Guard Petty Officer Andrea Anderson said the pipeline was shut off and the leak was stopped at about 3 p.m.
A spokesman for California Gov. Jerry Brown said he has been briefed on the incident and is “monitoring” it.
The oil pipeline is owned by Plains All American Pipeline, which issued the following statement:
"Plains deeply regrets this release has occurred and is making every effort to limit its environmental impact,” the statement read. “Our focus remains on ensuring the safety of all involved."
It is unclear at this time how long the cleanup will take and if the beaches will be open by Memorial Day.
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