A star was born on Thursday when a sixth grade moderator, Osman Yahya, had the guts to move President Obama along when he started to become redundant in his answer during a Q&A session at a Washington-area library.
Obama was replying to a question about getting over writer’s block when Yahya looked uninterested and decided to move the discussion along.
"I think you've sort of covered everything about that question," he said, much to the amusement of the president, Today.com reports.
President Obama chuckled and told the audience, "Osman thinks I've been talking too long” and when Yahya tried to sugarcoat it Obama replied, "No, let's move it along. I got you.”
Yahya, 12, later talked to Politico about the headline-making incident, saying he “didn’t mean to cut him off” but was giving him a nudge.
“I was just nudging him to get on,” he explained, adding it was just about lunchtime and although “adults might have been diplomatic,” kids are not as understanding.
“He’s a really nice guy,” he said, but “most students were hungry.”
image via Kristin Callahan/ACE/INFphoto.com