A man snorkeling in the Colorado River was horrified when he came across two underwater skeletons in lawn chairs and alerted the authorities.

According to NBC News, the La Paz County Sheriff deputies and Buckskin Fire Department responded to the call about the possible human remains at the bottom of the river on Monday morning.

Upon inspection 40 feet beneath the surface, authorities learned that the tea party skeletons lounging in the chairs were actually fake.

"When firefighter Foerstner located the alleged remains, he found it to be an underwater tea party with two fake skeletons sitting in lawn chairs," the sheriff's department said in a statement.

The sheriff’s office said they believe the skeletons were strategically placed there by someone who thought it would be a funny joke.

"I don't think they were trying to set up anything to scare anyone. I think they were gonna try to be funny," Lt. Curtis Bagby said.

The Associated Press noted that Bagby said that after the dive team pulls them from the water, they might even give people a chuckle and put them outside their office.

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