Diego Luna has joined the ensemble cast for Star Wars: Rogue One, the first of Disney’s planned Star Wars Anthology films. He will join a cast that already includes Felicity Jones and Riz Ahmed.

While Disney and Lucasfilm still haven’t confirmed it, Variety reported that Luna will play another Rebel Alliance fighter alongside Jones and Ahmed.

Ahmed, who is best known for his performance in Nightcrawler last year, joined the film last month. Sam Claflin was also considered, but it looks like Luna might have taken his role.

Ben Mendelsohn (Bloodline) is also set to play the villain.

Luna is best known for roles in Yu tu mama tambien, Milk, Elysium and Contraband. He’s also directed a couple of films, including 2014’s Cesar Chavez.

Rogue One is set just before A New Hope and is about a group of Rebels who steal the plans to the Death Star. Gareth Edwards (Godzilla) is directing the film, which will hit theaters in December 2016.

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