Twitter can be a source of sheer amusement sometimes, which is the case on Friday morning when Kirstie Alley’s name began trending.

The former Cheers star’s name wasn’t trending because of a new show she’s promoting or anything even remotely related to her. Instead, Twitter users saw a New York Times headline about Bridgegate and connected her to it in their morning haze.

The headline is about Chris Christie’s “ally” pleading guilty to Bridgegate, which saw his aides being accused of conspiring to create a traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge to get back at Fort Lee’s mayor, Mark Sokolich, for not supporting Christie’s re-election campaign.

The headline reads, “Christie Ally Expected To Plead Guilty.”

Alley responded on Friday amid the sea of funny tweets connecting her to the scandal, writing “And THIS is how rumors once again get started...jeez...hasn't even been a week since my last accusation...”

Here are some of the best responses:

image via Roger Wong/