Disney and Pixar released the first teaser for The Good Dinosaur, the second of two movies Pixar will be releasing this year. The film has had a troubled production, but the studio’s take on a world where dinosaurs and humans co-exist is nearing completion.

The teaser is barely a minute long and just teases the basic premise of the film - What if the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs missed earth? There’s also a glimpse of the main dinosaur of the story, who looks like a Brontosaurus.

For anyone hoping for a realistic treatment of dinosaurs, you’ll be disappointed. There’s a cartoonish look to the Tyrannosaurs Rex seen in the teaser, which is actually a good thing. The last time a Disney movie presented realistic dinosaurs, the result was the boring Dinosaur.

“This is a boy and a dog story, but the roles are reversed,” John Lasseter said of the story at Pixar’s Cannes presentation.

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The Good Dinosaur was supposed to be directed by Bob Peterson, who co-directed Up with Inside Out director Pete Docter, and was scheduled to be Pixar’s 2014 movie. However, in August 2013, he left the project and it was delayed all the way to Nov. 25. This means that, for the first time ever, we are getting two Pixar movies in the same calendar year.

It’s hard to judge a movie based on a minute of footage that might not even make it into the final movie, but it does look like Pixar got The Good Dinosaur back on its feet.

screenshot from YouTube video