Heads up, Lovatics! The 22-year old pop singer announced on June 25th of her upcoming single. Demi Lovato's new single called "Cool For The Summer" is set to release July 1st. Lovato posted the cover art, a bright image of Lovato sitting on the sand, for the new single on her Instagram page. Excited for the upcoming release, she tweeted about her single later that day. "AHHHHHHHHH," Lovato wrote in the tweet.
Other music artists who are friends with Lovato showed support for "Cool For The Summer" via Twitter as well.
"LOVE THIS FIERY JAM," Lorde tweeted.
"YES! It's About to go down ya'll. So proud of my friend and business partner," Nick Jonas wrote in his tweet.
In addition to the new single, Lovato recently decided to create a mobile app, teaming up with game developers to pursue the new business. Looks like Lovato has great plans for the summer.
Credit: Dara Kushner/INFphoto.com