Disney Animation Studios released the first teaser for Zootopia, the first of two releases the studio is preparing for 2016. The fantastic minute-and-a-half teaser reveals nothing of the plot, but instead introduces us to the film’s world.

In Zootopia, the world has developed without humans, so animals have evolved into anthropomorphic creatures who have to wear clothes to work. They still have plenty of their own animal skills to help them survive on their modern metropolis known as zootopia.

The central characters in the film are the sly fox Nick Wilde, voiced by Jason Bateman, who also narrates the teaser; and rabbit cop Judy Hopps, voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin. As the studio revealed this week, the unlikely pair get stuck in an adventure in the film and learn to be best friends.

Zootopia hits theaters on March 4, 2016 and is being directed by Rich Moore (Wreck-It Ralph) and Byron Howard (Tangled). Later in November 2016, Disney Animation will release Moana.

Check out the teaser below:

screenshot from Disney YouTube video