Great Falls Electric City Creative Hosts Poetry Slam at First Friday Art Walk

June 5 is when the First Friday Art Walk is set to host a ton of events, from Electric City Coffee “celebrity baker for the day,” hosted by Miss Montana USA 2015 Tahnee Peppenger. There will be a wine tasting artist exhibits all throughout the evening.
Even more exciting is the poetry slam they will be presented by the help of Electric City Creative’s Tyson Habein in Paris Gibson Square Great Falls, Montana, publicized by the Great Falls Tribune ( ).

The poetry slam consists of an adult and teens division and a $2 - entry fee.

The individuals and teams are judged by the strength of the audience’s applause, by a panel, and then are given feedback. The poetry as an art form is taken seriously, but the point of the competition is in the end, to have fun in the friendly atmosphere that these artistic venues provide. The organizers plan to hold poetry slams more often in this location in order to foster more art, creativity and get more people to join the club full of activity and artists.

The guidelines are posted in more detail on the Facebook(Facebook), where anyone is free to sign up:
The event is free to watch and listen. The competition consists of two rounds, where the poems are limited to three minutes in length and the pieces are not censored, in order for poets to have a full sense of freedom of expression.
