While it sounds like nearly everyone who has been in a Marvel movie so far will be in Captain America: Civil War, one person will not be making an appearance. Samuel L. Jackson, shockingly, will not be seen in the third Cap movie.

In an interview with Collider, the veteran of seven Marvel films said that Civil War will not feature his Nick Fury character. He doesn’t have any idea why that’s the case, but he knows he isn’t going to be in the movie.

“I can’t figure that out, but I’m not. I guess I’m still out there, trying to figure out what happened to S.H.I.E.L.D. and who these other people are,” Jackson said.

Jackson has been the one link between the Marvel movies dating back to 2008’s Iron Man, when he appeared after the credits. He signed on for nine movies at the time and told Collider that he sees no reason not to extend his contract.

“Of course [I’m interested in returning]! I’m looking for a contract extension right now, yeah. I’m looking to re-up,” Jackson said.

The cast for Civil War is already crazy, so we probably won’t even notice that Jackson’s not in it. Aside from Chris Evans playing Cap again, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Anthony Mackie, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Martin Freeman, David Bruhl, William Hurt, Frank Grillo and Emily VanCamp are all appearing in the film. Plus, it’s rumored that Mark Ruffalo will be back as the Hulk and the actor playing the new Spider-Man will make his Marvel debut.

Looks like Jackson can meet Chris Hemsworth for a vacation, since Thor might be the only Avenger not in Civil War.

Joe and Anthony Russo are directing Civil War, which hits theaters on May 6, 2016.

As for movies that Jackson is actually in, we will see him in Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight this winter.

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image courtesy of Roger Wong/INFphoto.com