Patrick Leach, whose mother co-created the children’s series Barney and Friends, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for shooting his neighbor in Malibu.

Back in January 2013, Leach, 29, was arrested for allegedly shooting his neighbor, 49, during an ongoing dispute. As People notes, Leach fled the scene, but was found later wearing body armor and carrying several weapons. The neighbor, whose name was not made public, did survive the shooting.

In May, Leach pleaded no contest to assault with a semiautomatic firearm and shooting from a motor vehicle. The Associated Press reports that he was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Wednesday.

Leach’s mother is Sheryl Leach, who created PBS’ Barney and Friends with Dennis DeShazer and Kathy Parker. The show premiered in 1992 and is still airing. It has earned several Daytime Emmy award nominations and won one in 2001.