Andy Muschietti, who directed the surprise horror hit Mama with Jessica Chastain, has been picked to replace Cary Fukunaga in New Line’s long-gestating adaptation of Stephen King’s It.
The Hollywood Reporter first confirmed that Muschietti is in talks with the Warner Bros.-based studio. The news was also confirmed by Variety.
Fukunaga, who directed the first season of True Detective left the film on Memorial Day weekend over budgetary concerns, but New Line insisted that it still planned on making the film. Producers Dan Lin, Roy Lee, Seth Grahame-Smith and David Katzenberg quickly got to work on the director search.
It’s still not clear it We’re The Millers star Will Poulter is still interested in starring in It. He was supposed to play the clown Pennywise, who terrorizes a small Maine town, but he’s not attached any longer.
It was originally published in 1986 and ran over 1,000 pages. It was first adapted into a TV series in 1990, with Tim Curry as Pennywise.
Mama cost just $15 million to make, but it grossed $150 million. It was Muschietti’s first feature film and was based on his 2008 short film.