Nicole Kidman stars in the new historical epic Queen of the Desert and it looks cinematically magnificent.

Directed by Werner Herzog, Queen of the Desert appeared at the Berlin International Film Festival and was nominated for a Golden Bear.

Now the movie will be released in the US.

The star-studded cast consists of Nicole Kidman who plays the English explorer Gertrude Bell and Robert Pattinson who plays the role of T.E. Lawrence. Apparently, there will be a romance between the two characters.

Also, James France plays British army officer Henry Cadogan and Damien Lewis plays English poet Charles Doughty Wylie.

Kidman described the role of Bell as the “female Lawrence of Arabia.” She went on to say, “She was English, and basically defined the borders between Iraq and Jordan that exist today, borders that she negotiated between Churchill and different Arab leaders.”

According to the Daily Mail, reviews for the movie have not been overly positive, but they do give acclaim to the strong performances from the actors.

The film will be released to movie theaters later this year, but a set date has not been decided yet.
