In the wake of the international outcry over the brutal killing of Cecil the lion in an allegedly illegal hunt for a trophy, Delta Airlines announced it will no longer ship such trophies.

The Associated Press noted that Delta announced Monday that it will no longer ship lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo trophies.

"Delta's strict acceptance policy called for absolute compliance with all government regulations regarding protected species,” a statement released by the airline said.

Last month, it was reported that an American dentist named Walter Palmer, paid around $50,000 to hunt Cecil, a beloved adult male lion from a national park in Zimbabwe. When the details were released about how the animal was lured from the park, wounded, tracked and ultimately killed, the public called for Palmer to turn himself over to authorities and face charges. However, he has closed his practice and remained in hiding.

As for Delta’s new ban, the company did not reveal the number of hunting trophy shipments it has transported in the past.

Screenshot via Bryan Orford YouTube channel